About Apparel Pattern Making
Hi, I’m Traci and have worked as a patternmaker, technical designer, and instructor over the last 25 years in the industry, as a freelancer, adjunct instructor, and running my own pattern development business. As a patternmaker I have developed projects for all genders and sizes with fabric types ranging across the board. Including products for the apparel, crafts, and home industries, and exposure to electrical circuiting sensors in clothing. My specialty area of focus has been with active sportswear and lifestyle brands.
As an instructor I have taught pattern drafting, draping, CAD, and sewing courses in upper education settings, one-on-one, and now I contract for the University of Oregon’s Sports Product Management Program as their Innovation Lab Patternmaker. To learn more about there program check it out here.
At APM here, I’m a solo worker bee and provide remote and on-site services for small to large businesses, new and established designers, and individuals seeking to create new products through the use of digital sewing patterns. Services consist of pattern development & revisions, fitting, technical specs, grading, markers, and PDF patterns for home sewing purposes. All patterns are developed in a digital format utilizing Optitex (an industry-standard patterning software) and files can be emailed to you, your factory in various file formats and/or printed on paper and mailed.
As a business owner and individual I’m passionate about advocating for mental health and illnesses and share that passion through a collection of sewing patterns for home sewing enthusiasts. Where I provide information, resources, and topics to help others in their lives and/or the lives of those you may know. To learn more about my passion read APM’s advocating statement.
APM Mission Statement: Serve clients and customers with sewing pattern services and products for use in the softgoods industry and sewing enthusiast settings. Along with advocating, educating, and supporting those who care for and/or live with mental illnesses.