Please fill in the requested information below and click the SUBMIT at bottom of the page. In addition to this form digital files, pictures, sketches, or notes of design projects can be emailed to for reviewing. Thanks again for your interest in working with APM!

Client Project Intake Form (Sewing Enthusiast)

Client Project Intake Form (Sewing Enthusiast)

Please include as much information as possible for your project. Thank you.

Service Needed: (Check one or multiple services) *
Pattern Details: (Choose one option below on were we will start your pattern from) *
Digital Files Format Needed: (Letter & A4 files included with service - additional file formats are $20.00 each.)
Paper Pattern Printing Formatting Need: (Check print type and nest type below)

*By submitting this intake form you are abiding by Apparel Pattern Making LLC terms of service agreement below.

Terms of Service